Wednesday, June 30, 2010

American Flags

The Fourth of July is coming up!! I found this really great idea for kids to make their own flags! And out of popsicle sticks! (Maybe if you're a nice mom, you'll let the kids eat all nine popsicles they need to get their sticks, instead of just buying them like I did. My poor kids! :) )

Soo...You'll need everything pictured here plus some white cardstock or printer paper. (I don't know why that didn't make it in the picture...that white square is actually a piece of cardboard.)

After painting the sticks ( 2 red, 2 white, 2 white/blue, 3 red/blue), 'paint' the piece of cardboard with glue and assemble the sticks to resemble a flag. Once that is finished drying, glue on your stars and then attach some string/ribbon/yarn onto the back for hanging!!

1 comment:

Bri said...

I love these. I'll have to have the girls make some for Daddy's send off.