Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thankful Tree

We have made one of these every year for the past 4 years. Fun and simple, and the kids totally love doing it! All that is needed is construction paper of your choice in color (my boys wanted pink this year...don't ask me why!), someone who can cut a tree out of 3 pieces of paper taped together, and leaves cut out of various colors. We then use a black marker and write on each leaf different things we are thankful for. The kids like to go over these at least once a week (more like every other day) and point out which ones are theirs. Have fun!


Loughmiller's said...

Pink? I think the boys are missing a little sister. :)

Verity said...

Awesome! We've either done a thankful tree or thankful turkeys. This year we did turkeys, and wrote what we were thankful for on the turkey's "feathers." The pink tree rules, though! :)